Dear high heels,
It’s been a while. I used to live in you. When others needed flats to run in, I could run in you. When others needed to take a back up shoe, I put all my faith solely in you. While others walked barefoot in the city in early hours of the morning, I kept you on… because sorry I don’t do barefoot EVER.
No matter what the situation is. I’d much rather die walking in heels than expose my feet to the contaminants of the ground. But not just because of that, because CLASS ladies. Don’t walk around tipsy in the city barefoot – ever.
But in all honesty, I’ve been neglecting you the last few years because of #mumlife. I came across you the other day and carefully took you out of your beautiful red dust bag. I met your glance. You were still tall, dark and handsome. Completely scuff free, and in impeccable condition. You were exactly like I remembered you.
I reminisced about all the great experiences we shared. I asked myself if we could create a new memory? I so wanted to dip my pedicured toes deep into your beautiful groove. I bit my top lip as I imagined the possibilities.
I couldn’t control the urge any longer, so we touched. My toes slipped in deeper and deeper. It was a beautiful experience. I tied up your shiny black straps, and my mouth opened in excitement. You still fit snugly and exactly like I remembered. It was like we were made for each other.
It was time for the next step… I walked down my wooden staircase holding the rail with every step. Plonking down each step, the movement wasn’t as graceful as last I remembered it. But I could hear our passionate music echo through the house. Finally making it downstairs on an even surface we strutted to the kitchen together. I felt all eyes on us, all that was missing was the red carpet.
I had dinner simmering on the stove, so I stirred the hot pot a few times. The steam was blowing in my face. My makeup was getting smudged. It was getting hot in here. I kept feeling you wrapping around my feet.
I looked down and admired your beauty from above. It was at that moment I felt we were completely in sync like our souls belonged together.
After a few seconds, I started to feel pain in the balls of my feet. I kept smiling and pretending like this was completely effortless. I didn’t want you to think any less of me. I was committed to making this moment last. What if someone found out I couldn’t take you like old times? I couldn't bear the embarrassment.
Then the moment came. It was over. I just had to get you off me. It lasted a good five minutes, a lot longer than most.
After a moment of silence and disappointment. I picked you up off the floor and placed you back into your dust bag. Questioning whether this was time for a new chapter in my life, I decided no. I was adamant to make us work.
Even though our encounter didn’t meet up with my expectations. I am not going to give up on you and on us. I have faith things will work out.
If you see me around, please don’t judge me if I’m sporting flat sneakers. I just need something more practical at the moment while I tick off my to-do list while chasing a toddler. I need something that’s not going to give me pain, bunions or blisters.
I hope you understand. I always loved you, and I still do. No one will ever get between us – I just need some time.
Love Nina.